Hi! Can you introduce yourself and what you play in Look Mexico?
Joshua Mikel:
I am Joshua Mikel, and I play drums for the band. Matthew Agrella plays guitar and sings, Ryan Slate plays guitar and sings back up vocals, and Tyson K. plays bass. Also with us is a dog, Benjamin Franklin, a cat, and a number of beta fish!!!!!
How are you doing and how is 2007 treating the Look Mexico?
Joshua Mikel:
We are fantastic!!! 2007 has been a good year for us. 2007 marks the release of our first record. We have just begun the first leg of summer tour, and things are going very well. This is about the tenth interview we have done in the past month, so that is always exciting- It appears that we are getting our music out. (Thanks to the help of Lujo and our amazing PR dude Chuck Daley! Chuck! Lujo! Chuck! Lujo!!!!!! Also 2007 marks the first time any of us have ever toured space or the 6th dimension. Things are on the up and up!!!! Not to mention, I am preggers!
Can you sum up a story of how you formed Look Mexico and started playing music?
Joshua Mikel:
I had just gotten out of prison, on parole for stalking charges, Slate had just finished up a tour as White Snake's go to guitar restringer, Matt - who three months before was in a coma after a boating accident nearly took his life, awoke with the sudden ability to rock and roll, and Tyson was on the down and out after Anna Nicole offered herself. We all happened to be at a killer open mic at Miami Beach-twenty pitchers of beer and a whole heck of a lot of antidepressants later- we had written two ep's toured up and down the east coast, and just finished up our full length. It's been wild, baby... just wild.
Your new album "This Is Animal Music" comes out in June and it's one of my most anticipated albums of the year. How do you feel about it and how is it different from your previous two EP's?
Joshua Mikel:
Well considering we just woke up and realized we had written something, I think we are pretty excited. Kind of like the whole monkeys sitting at typewriters thing... just amazing what comes out. Is it really anticipated??? Thanks... thanks a lot. We figured no one had ever heard of us. As for how it is different--- it appears we have tried some new things on the record... a little more adventure, a little more precision and class. You could say our first two EP's were like driving a Ranchero... and now we are driving catamarans.
I heard the new album and it really sounds great, and unique, and totally original. How did you guys decided to play this kind of music? Is it a part of a plan or does the music come out naturally?
Joshua Mikel:
Thanks for the compliment! It just happens naturally, I think. I tell you what, making music is like baking a cake; you just got to make sure you got the right amount of eggs, flour, sugar, sometimes water (but we stay away from water) icing or whatever…and if you got some stuff and you put it in a bowl, mix it up, throw it against some walls to check for consistency or whatever, and then trash it all and just get your mom to bake you a new one- that is like music, I think. Yep, heard it here first... our moms wrote the record.
Musically, you take elements of indie rock and fuse them with pop and with intricate song structures, that on a first listen might sound "weird". But your music is still catchy. Where do you get your inspirations?
Joshua Mikel:
Lots of stuff. Like I am really inspired by like success, money, crystal, big chains, lots and lots of big booty girls, Laguna Beach on MTV, fancy cars... I mean, you get the point... fancy things in general. As for the "weird" Tyson used to listen to a lot of Marylin Manson- so that is probably where is comes from, I think.
Your albums comes out on Lujo Records: how did you guys meet this label and how do you find yourselves working with the Lujo Records guys?
Joshua Mikel:
Wow, I tell you what--- those guys can fly a mean hot air balloon... right into our house!!! Weirdest thing ever, right? So there we are, just jamming out to ourselves on our stereo, and those crazy kids (Erik and Jocelyn) are flying over, hear the stuff, and try to plop that freaking thing right down in the yard, but end up hitting the house and bounce off into our moat!- luckily our lifeguard was on duty! Could have been messy, being that we got a bunch of long legged alligators in there.
You are touring with Fake Problems: are you guys friends with this band? I heard some songs of them and they sound so folk/punkrock. Do you feel good with punk rockers?
Joshua Mikel:
Hold on, let me check their myspace... OUCH! Personally I hate them.
Hate them a lot: like every time I see them I want to punch them right inside their brains. I wish they didn't have a stupid skull so I could just punch their mushy brains to smithereens. What's punk? (they are good friends... we like them a lot and are excited about our tour)
What are your future plans for 2007?
Joshua Mikel: