Hi! Can you please state your name and what you play in Long Since Forgotten ?
Josh Coy:
My name is Josh Coy and I play guitar and sing.
How is 2007 treating Long Since Forgotten ?
Josh Coy:
So far so good. We released a new album in Japan and did a release tour there which ended up being one of the best experiences of our lives. We signed on with a new manager. And we are already starting to write new songs. So I guess there is still a lot of time left in the year so we shall see what happens.
It's been some years since the release of your previous album "Standing Room Only": I personally lost traces of you. Can you please tell our readers what you have been during these years ?
Josh Coy:
Well we toured the states DIY for the better parts of the 2 years after the release of that album. We had some dissapointments with missed label opportunities because of our contract with Rocketstar. We parted ways with our old manager. We worked alot as well to pay the bills from money we lost touring. Instead of throwing in the towel we decided to work with a batch of songs we were writing that we felt really confident in and ended up recording "The Theft" which we feel is our best songs to date.
For the few people who still never heard of you, can you tell our readers a story of how you got together, where you come from and you story ?
Josh Coy:
Caleb, Jeff, and myself pretty much grew up together in the same school and such (Caleb more so since he is my brother) and for one reason or another we ended up plying music together. We started playing club shows in the Syracuse area in the late 90's with and old drummer of ours but soon decided to part ways with him for stylistic reasons in 2000. Not long after that I met steve through an ex girlfriend/new job and found out he was a fan of our music and was interested in playing with us. So after a couple auditions and practice shows he was obviously the right choice for us. We finished writing the rest of the songs that would on the album "All The Things You Said" and booked time at a studio that was called Redhouse at the time in Eudora Kansas where Ed Rose worked out of. The first time I felt like I was in a real band was driving home from the studio listening to the rough mix of the song Some Sort Of Meaning.
I visited your myspace (http://www.myspace.com/longsinceforgotten) and saw you are releasing a new album called "The Theft": I read it's already out in Japan. When will you release it in the US and in the rest of the world?
Josh Coy:
We are currently still searching for a U.S. label to release this album. We hope for it to be out soon so the rest of our U.S. fans will be able to hear this work because we are very proud of it.
The Japanese version is said to come with three bonus tracks: will these songs also be on the US version of the CD ? Can you tell me why bands release bonus tracks on Japanese releases, because I never understood it. No, seriously.
Josh Coy:
The bonus songs will not be on the U.S. for a couple reasons. first off, the bonus songs are just b-sides that didn't fit with the album as a whole. They will possibly be released in the future in the form of a compilation. CD's in Japan sell for almost twice as much as they cost in the states. So it has been customary to add a couple extra tracks to make it more worth the cost. It also makes for a cool import feature for collectors.
Are still on Rocketstar Recordings or are you looking for a new record label ?
Josh Coy:
No, we are currently looking for a new label.
Is it so hard for such a good band with great songs like you are to find a record label ?
Josh Coy:
Thank you for the compliments! It would seem that way at the moment. We have been trying to find a home for this new album for quite a few months now in the U.S. and it seems that we get passed up for the more trendy "cookie cutter" bands.
Speaking of "The Theft", I heard some songs and I had the impression it's much harder than your previous stuff, which was more poppy and indie rock oriented. Am I getting a wrong impression ? How does the whole record sound ?
Josh Coy:
There are a few "harder" type songs. They still retain a lot of the pop elements but have more character I think. There are still some pop type songs and a couple slow songs as well. Over I am sure you will get the impression of a much more mature sound when you finally hear the record as a whole.
For "The Theft", how did you work on it? Did it take a long time to write and how was the recording process ?
Josh Coy:
A couple of the songs on the theft have been in progress since our first our for "standing Room Only." There is a song called Ready Or Not that I started working on during a week we were stranded in Idaho after a van accident in 2004! The recording process was more spread out than what we normally were used to. We were in and out of the studio for a couple months rather than a block of 2 or three weeks of straight recording. But this time we were relatively close to the studio so it was possible to work that way.
Did you still work with Ed Rose ?
Josh Coy:
No, this time around we worked with a friend of ours named Kevin Bruchert. He had been a fan of our music and he owned a studio called Viking in Medina, NY not far from Buffalo. He had approached us several times about recording a full length for us and after we worked with him on a couple compilation songs we decided to give him the job.
Among all of the emo bands of the late '90's and first 00's, I must say Long Since Forgotten owns a piece of my heart,
Josh Coy:
Thank you for that! We are happy to have made an impact on anyone's listening pallet!
And as final question, what are your future plans ?
Josh Coy:
The main focus right now is to get this new album released in the U.S. and tour so people can hear it. I am too proud of this work to let it go to waste. I just hope that there is a label that agrees. Thank you for taking the time to interview us and catch up!
Thank you so much for taking some time to reply to my questions! Good luck for everything!