Describing himself as a "metal kid who's grown into a metal man", Matt Tuck from South Wales metal-core outfit Bullet For My Valentine boldly predicts this year's Scream Aim Fire album as a future classic. Truepunk caught up with the singer-guitarist from his rehearsal room in Cardiff.
So is BFMV much of a democracy?
"Well, I kind of dictate what goes on. I've always been the spokesperson/leader of the band. When we're making up set lists we all chip in but me doing the vocals I have to put them in a certain way so I don't die after three songs. So it's about pacing yourself as well. And the same in the recording studio, I'll kind of take charge and whip the boys into shape really."
The band blends metal and hardcore styles, what came first for you growing up?
"Always metal! The first album I ever bought was Metallica's Metallica and the first riff I could play was off that album, the clean intro part of Nothing Else Matters. I didn't have an amp with my first electric guitar for a while. Then I got into harder stuff like Pantera and Machinehead and things like that. I've always been a metal kid that's grown into a metal man really!"
Metal seems to have an enduring magic doesn't it?
"Rock has never been a bullshit form, it's been around for decades and it just never goes away. It's probably one of the purest and most heartfelt forms of music."
What do you love most about this new record Scream Aim Fire?
"Just it's song writing. We've always been a band most interested in the quality of the songs regardless of how fast we play guitar or how loud we can sing. It's been about the songs as a whole and I think these songs have got the potential to be great future classics. So that was very important for us, to have them stand the test of time. The power ballad stuff is a lot more arena-sounding and a lot flashier than anything on The Poison."
Tell us about working with producer Colin Richardson .. did he have much to say about working with Cannibal Corpse or Sepultura or any other big names?
"Colin's a very timid and quiet person. He's probably least metal person you'd ever meet. If you just walked past him in the street you'd have no idea he was Colin Richardson. When we first signed him up we were thinking 'geez, this is the guy who's worked on some amazing classic metal records' but he come into the studio in a pair of denim jeans and pink polo shirt - it was totally wrong! But he's a very funny guy and probably the clumsiest guy I've ever met too. Every day he'd break something in the studio or slip and fall off chairs and shit."
Is it true the new album has helped the band surpass the million mark for records sold?
"We've just sold over a million now worldwide so things are good man!"
I bet you never imagined achieving that?
"We never even dreamt we'd get a record deal anyway let alone get one and achieve what we've achieved and sell as many records as we have. The band has just changed everything about my life you know. It's totally transformed me from being a boy who's passionate about writing and playing music in a band to it actually being my entire life now. And it's made me more money in the last three years than I'd ever thought I'd ever earn in my life. I've toured the world and played with my idols - it's totally changed everything."
Tell us about those idols?
"The most memorable was when were in Holland and it was our first Metallica support slot. We were just hanging out in the dressing room getting ready for show time and there was a knock on the door and a guy popped his head round and it was Lars (Ulrich) who came in and introduced himself and welcomed us to the tour and asked if there's anything we needed. That was a mad experience, you know, to have the band who made me pick up a guitar in the first place and there I am on tour with them and he knows who the fuck I am. It was bizarre!"